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A bit of garden pinwheels indoors


A bouquet of Mums for your wall

Swirled Dresden plate blocks with dimensional center embellishment, and pieced sashing create a vintage theme quilt with a modern twist.Size: 47''x47'' wall quilt

Heart shaped petals create the lovely plates, embellished with ruched centers, surrounded with swag border, accented with ruched blossoms and hearts float on this wall quilt, or optional pillow or bed quilt size.Size: 33''x33'' wall quilt, 14'' pillow or 85''x97'' bed quilt

Totally pieced, these charm blocks are created from 6 inch exchange charms. Colorful blocks invite bordering with big prints. Pattern adjusts easily to 5 inch square packs. Stencil EL33 Mouse Tails produced by Quilting Creations International adds fun visual interest in floral borders.Size:...

A unique Dresden Plate variation, set off by simple sashing and piano key border. Complete instructions make the intricate looking blocks easy to construct and appliqué. EL 70 Zinnia Patch stencil by Quilting Creations International was used to mark background quilting.Size: 56''x56'' Wall...