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Applique' this Snowman and Tree on tea towels or make your own. He will cheer up your holiday season

Each patternlet includes an applique pattern for a tea towel, and directions to make an Osnaburg tea towel.

Feburary is one of the Little Quilts Squared quilts. They measure 12" x 12" and fit perfectly on the 12 x 14 Single Scroll Stand, 12" quilt hanger, or add magnets to the back and decorate your fridge!

March is one of the Little Quilts Squared quilts. They measure 12" x 12" and fit perfectly on the 12 x 14 Single Scroll Stand, 12" quilt hanger, or add magnets to the back and decorate your fridge!

May is one of the Little Quilts Squared quilts. They measure 12" x 12" and fit perfectly on the 12 x 14 Single Scroll Stand, 12" quilt hanger, or add magnets to the back and decorate your fridge!

June is one of the Little Quilts Squared quilts. They measure 12" x 12" and fit perfectly on the 12 x 14 Single Scroll Stand, 12" quilt hanger, or add magnets to the back and decorate your fridge!

July is one of the Little Quilts Squared quilts. They measure 12" x 12" and fit perfectly on the 12 x 14 Single Scroll Stand, 12" quilt hanger, or add magnets to the back and decorate your fridge!

August is one of the Little Quilts Squared quilts. They measure 12" x 12" and fit perfectly on the 12 x 14 Single Scroll Stand, 12" quilt hanger, or add magnets to the back and decorate your fridge!

September is one of the Little Quilts Squared quilts. They measure 12" x 12" and fit perfectly on the 12 x 14 Single Scroll Stand, 12" quilt hanger, or add magnets to the back and decorate your fridge!

October is one of the Little Quilts Squared quilts. They measure 12" x 12" and fit perfectly on the 12 x 14 Single Scroll Stand, 12" quilt hanger, or add magnets to the back and decorate your fridge!

Take The Cake is one of the Little Quilts Squared quilts. They measure 12" x 12" and fit perfectly on the 12" x 14" Single Scroll Stand, 12" quilt hangers, or add magnets to the back and decorate your fridge!

Another great block of the month series! Little Quilts 2 (squared) Again! are extremely quick and easy projects. This was originally released as an exclusive for Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting. All measure 12" x 12". Designed by Kelly Mueller
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9 - 22