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Patriotic - Americana

Make this quilt in either 5" (43" x 56") or 10" blocks (80" x 105" quilt) to commemorate the Confederate General James Longstreet, born in South Carolina in 1821. Designed by Evonne Cook.

Make this quilt in either 5" (47" x 57" quilt) or 10" blocks (86" x 106") to commemorate the Union General George Meade, born in Spain on December 31, 1815. Designed by Evonne Cook

Not only is this quilt a tribute to our wonderful USA & its democracy, but Patriot Stars is also my first block of the month pattern design. Measuring 63" x 85" when finished, this six month adventure features four different star blocks with fusible appliques in all the borders; eagles, flags &...

Let your patriotism show loud & clear with this unique wall quilt of flag homes. Measuring 45" x 53", this quilt makes a great gift to share across our nation with family & friends. Designed by Evonne Cook
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