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Size: 63" x 63"The print fabrics in this quilt are all designed by Pepper Cory. Pepper was kind enough to send me fabrics to play with & I just needed one solid green to complete the assortment. While organizing clothing for a garage sale, I saw the perfect green hanging right in front of me! The...

These foundation pieced trees are a little more “regular” than my normal fare…hence the name. They are also pink - that didn't hurt either! There are directions for three sizes in this wall hanging pattern. You can make a Solitary (30”x30”), a Stack (30”x66”), or a Stand (48”x66”) of Pepto...

I call them trees - my Dad sees electric poles…. Whatever you see, these wonky trees are fun to make and spectacular in so many different color schemes! There are three sizes given in the pattern - Little (22”x44”), Big 32”x41”) and Bigger (44”x56”). Practice your value skills to effectively...

Create this elegant pine with silk or luscious cotton fabrics. Using foundation piecing, this royal tree comes alive quickly and easily. Designer - Kay M Capps Cross

These foundation pieced trees are fun and simple to make. The pattern includes three sizes for the Banner - Single (32”x25“) , Door (32”x77”), or Cover the Bed (90“x93“). The Single makes a great wall hanging for transitioning through the seasons. You could specialize the Door Banner for the...