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Measuring 20" x 24.5", Cat Parade is an applique wall hanging for feline lovers. Featuring three bright-eyed cats, it looks just as good in rusts or funky bright prints as it does in black-n-white. Pattern includes instructions for Satin Stitch Applique, Invisible Machine Applique & hand...


A fun wine cover for your holiday merriment


A simple block achieves elegant but dramatic results.


The Perfect Gift for the Teacher in Your Quilt Circle

Lovely, painterly effects are created with random strips and simple applique.


Keep your sewing machine looking new with this Collins Sewing Machine Cover


The Healing Tree is an Art or Bed Quilt that portrays the changes as a lone tree enjoys each new season.

Top any table with this charming Southwest and Native American inspired quilt.


A fun quilt or wall hanging with a little bit of applique.