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Table Runner: 18in x 42in, Place Mats: 15in x 18in. This is a quilt and easy fusible applique project that will have you decorating your table top in no time flat. Designed by Amy Reitzel

Make this quick, easy to piece table runner for all of your family and friends. They will think you spent hours and hours making them, only you will know how simple they were! They fun pieces are made using 5" charm squares, CGRFFQ1 and the Lil’ Twister template LILTWISTER. Table runner is 18 ½"...

Finished sizes Table Runner 18in x 42in. Placemats 16in x 18in. This pattern uses the Itty Bitty Primitive Pinwheels Template by Primitive Gatherings. These cute individual twister blocks combine to make simple yet elegant table runner and placemat set. Designed by Amy Reitzel