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$5.60 $8.00  
The fabrics used in this quilt remind me of the Sweet Williams I planted in my garden. Any color scheme will work equally well in the alternating easy Nine-Patch and Illinois blocks. The design finishes at 58" x 72". Designed by Pam McMahon

$5.60 $8.00  
The traditional "Hands All Around" block inspired me to create this quilt. The warm harvest colors will bring you "Golden Comfort" in this 67" x 84" quilt. Designed by Pam McMahon

$5.95 $8.50  
The easily pieced traditional weathervane blocks remind me of meadow flowers glistening in the early morning. This quilt was made with Moda's At Waters Edge fabrics. Pattern features 2 sizes- 72" sq and 72" x 86". Designed by Pam McMahon

$5.95 $8.50  
The Rolling Pinwheel block is made from simple half-square triangles and flying geese. It looks more complicated than it is. Make use of those beautiful florals in your stash in the alternate plain squares. Quilt is 77" sq. Designed by Pam McMahon.

Enjoy the mountain lilies appliqued down the center to form bouquets or as ribbons & flowers along each side. Measuring 94" x 110", the mountains on this quilt are strip pieced for ease. Finished block size is 10" x 8". Designed by Vicky Lawrence

These little flowers will bring spring and cheer into your home. Use traditional applique methods or fusible, your choice. Enjoy the journey to create this wall hanging and then treasure it on your wall. Finished size is 30" x 37". Designed by Vicky Lawrence

This quilt pattern will bring a cozy feeling to your bedroom. You can do either the scalloped edge or leave it straight. Finish size is 80" x 96". Designed by Vicky Lawrence

A wall hanging which shows flowers that have stayed in the sun toolong and go to fried. Make it whatever flower color you wish and embellish them too! Finished size is 36" x 26". Designed by Vicky Lawrence

These wall hangings feature tulips and iris - two of our favorite flowers. Measuring 30" x 34, these quilted applique flowers never need watering as they bring their beauty into your home! Designed by Vicky Lawrence

Measuring 15" x 27", the lettering on this applique wall hanging can be used to send a special message or to create a unique gift. Either way 'Friends and Flowers' will remind you to take time to appreciate those around you as well as the beautiful world we live in together. Makes a wonderful...

Allow this little wall hanging to be your guide, to "Bloom Where You're Planted". Measuring 8.5" x 14", this applique quilt makes a perfect gift for family & friends as well as a good reminder to keep for yourself. Designed by Vicky Lawrence

Measuring 86" x 98", let these lovely lotus blossoms & buds float across your quilt & into your dreams. While the background is pieced, use the applique method you prefer for the flowers. Designed by Vicky Lawrence