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How about daisies red, green or blue. Design is by Sandy Klop wit instructions in color. Finished size is 63 x 63".

Whether it's the blue and yellow or hearts and flowers, this little quilt in your house is winning combination. Finished size is 52 1/2" x 52 1/2". Designed by Sandy Klop

There's something new at every turn. After a center of ocean waves, multiple border rounds offer a change and a chance to learn something new in this quilt pattern. Design is by Sandy Klop with instructions in color. Finished quilt size 72" x 72" Designed by Sandy Klop

"Keep a green bough in your heart and the singing bird will come". Greg Champion. These birds and boughs will warm your heart and home, so listen for that singing bird. Design is by Sandy Klop with instructions in color.Finished quilt size 54-1/2" x 66-1/2" Designed by Sandy Klop

One little bird's tune leads the symphony of Spring. You can almost hear the grass grown and the flowers clap their hands in celebration of the season. Finished quilt pattern size is 50" x 50". Designed by Sandy Klop