Listen for the tappin' toes while you create this tribute to stylish dancin' shoes! I want to see you swing while you sew! Designer - Kay M Capps CrossFinished quilt size: 45" X 42"

Use a charm pack to whip up this lovely tribute to pink. Approximate quilt size: 45 1/2" X 45 1/2" Designer - Kay M Capps Cross

Create this striking wall quilt develpoed from a forgotten flower quilt stuck in the drawer. Poetic Justice. Approximate quilt size: 21 1/2" X 38 1/2" Designer - Kay M Capps Cross

Expect the unexpected in this wonderful new collection of black-and-white quilts from the founder of Cross Cuts Patterns. This refreshing take on the use of positive and negative values is sure to be a hit with modern quilters everywhere. Black is white hot in quilts today. The vast array of...
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